Saturday, September 1, 2018


Image result for welcome for a blog

Why start this blog? Oh gosh, this question is loaded. Perhaps it is because someone I love very much is a sweet third grade boy who happens to be trans, or maybe because as a high school teacher, myself, I felt the need arise in my own classroom, or maybe because in the past few years, so much has been discussed, debated, and written about the subject of our trans and nonbinary community members that I realized teachers needed a way to productively navigate the topic in their classrooms. After all, teachers know using literature can be the most effective and productive way to help educate our communities.

So who needs to know about trans and nonbinary people anyway? Everyone does. We have the power to spread education and awareness throughout our communities and to help build empathy and awareness so that our transgender and nonbinary community members feel safe and included in our classrooms and wider communities. We want them to feel included AND to thrive as productive and happy community members. Students spend the majority of their days at school. It is in our classrooms that they build a sense of self in relation to the world around them. No matter our feelings and opinions, we are responsible for all our students. We want their sense of self and community connection to be a positive one; otherwise, what is the point of anything else we try to teach?

Let's face it, teachers are busy! I mean really, really busy! You don't necessarily have time to sift through and read all the best literature and create meaningful lessons from scratch that supports our trans and nonbinary community members-even if you want to. I am a realist here. I get it, and I am right there with you. The blog should be a helpful tool that saves you time and does some of that work for you. I want you to walk away with some great literature and perhaps some ideas for how to use it in your classroom. I will post about books, short stories, articles, film, and more; provide you appropriate age-levels; and give provide some ways to use it in your classroom. It is my hope that you will approach this blog with compassion for its mission, provide ideas and comments when you can, and that you lend me your patience as I, at times, clumsily get this blog going. Please share your feedback! I welcome it. And thank you for taking a seat on this journey with me.

Please note that any ideas or input you offer will become a part of the ongoing collaborative mission of this blog. 


  1. Thanks for creating this important blog. I'm going to share it with my students at UMaine. Well done, Michelle.

  2. Thanks, Rich. I really hope educators and future educators are able to use this blog as a resource.
